Have you ever cut and pasted information about a research topic from an Encyclopedia Britannica or Wikipedia article into Word and then typed the questions you have after reading the article (perhaps in a different color to keep your thoughts separate from the pasted information)?

Imagine having a web-based tool that allows you to bookmark the article, highlight clippings from it, add sticky notes, tag the bookmark, add notes about the article, and organize everything into a resource list you can view as a web page or slideshow?

That tool is diigo – and it’s free. If you already use delicious, start your diigo account by importing your delicious bookmarks – and set up your diigo account to add the items you mark with diigo to your delicious account – without a single extra click.

Check out the diigo page of the new library research wiki to learn more. If you’re a teacher or if you’re at home, you can also view the two YouTube videos about diigo that you’ll find on the wiki page about this useful tool.